Articles on: Print on demand
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Monthly discount

Because we love you, we want to reward your efforts.

That's why we've set up a grid of price discounts when you reach a certain number of sales per month of products in the TPOP catalog : these discounts will enable you to increase your margin.

The tiers are reset to zero on the 1st of each month, and a discount is automatically awarded based on the number of sales generated during the month in the TPOP application.

The formula is as follows:

Total amount of orders excluding VAT (TPOP rates) + total amount of shipping costs - total discounts = Total

As already stated, the rates concerned are the rates that TPOP charges you (they are completely independent of the rates you offer on your store).

We will then automatically apply the set discount to each order placed during the following month.

Here is the discount table:

If you make more than €50,000 in purchases in a single month, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Please note that discounts do not apply to orders manuals and samples.

Updated on: 05/09/2024

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