Help Center
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All collections
Print on demand
Print on demand
All information about print on demand
Delivery and shipping
Delivery and Shipping of Your Orders
How are package returns managed?
Customer Package Loss
Do you deliver to pick-up points?
Customs Fees
Which carriers do you use?
The tracking number is missing
Package Returns
Postal tracking of an order
Package marked 'delivered' not received
Worldwide Delivery
Invoicing and payment of your orders
VAT Management
Billing Currency
Payment Methods
How does the payment wallet work?
How will TPOP charge me?
Order management
Things to do every day
My order does not appear
Placing a Sample Order
Time Before Production
Your logo on the packages
Do you send a confirmation email for an order?
Adding a customer message
Order Packaging
Edit an order
Order blocked: what to do?
On-demand products
Neck Tags
Vegan Products
Can a different visual be used for each product variant?
Create a TPOP Product
Technical Constraints
Product merging
Our Different Printing Techniques
Find out how to prepare your artworks for printing
Positioning Visuals
How to make a product customizable?
POD general questions
Change my login email
For my customers, who ships the orders?
Do you offer free samples?
What is print on demand?
Can the product creator be used on a phone or tablet?
Do you sell in a country other than your own? You might need an identification number (IDU)
Integration of external platforms
Integrations / Compatible Platforms
Shopify - Etsy - WooCommerce